Today I read the story of a 19-year-old Simon, who left Poland for the Vatican on a pilgrimage without money. He said that he had met such human kindness that although he sometimes slept at bus stops, sometimes he also ate like a king. It reminded me of the stories of Kinga Choszcz (a polish traveler), whose stories inspired me to embark on my own journey. Today it has been exactly 10 years since I got on the plane and wrote on FB: “I’m flying, flying, flying :)”. I landed in Kenya, where I spent 11 life-changing months and wrote almost 130 blog posts about it (unfortunately without English translation 🙁 but if you want to use GT, you can start here).
I also set out on my pilgrimage across Africa with no money, but I know exactly who supported me on this path. Every month, over 30 friends helped me financially so that I could eat and pay those who hosted me. Their generosity allowed me to leave a some money in all the places I stayed, hoping that it would strengthen the good work I witnessed.
Today I know that I would not be the same person if it were not for my African adventure. To a large extent, it has shaped my heart that wants to accept everyone else as they are and try to understand what has shaped this otherness. Today I am a so grateful to God and everyone who was there with me personally and spiritually. I wish everyone could have a chance to experience such a pilgrimage!
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